A masterful work for storytelling Sharks of the Corn (Decker Shado video)

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Are you prepared for an exhilarating ride through shark-infested fields of corn? Strap yourself in, because "Sharks of the Corn" is ready to bring you sensational horror as well as comedy. Filmed by the famous Tim Ritter, this ultra low-budget movie draws its inspiration from Stephen King's famous "Children of the Corn" (1984) and turns it into a hilarious, bizarre parody that'll have you to scratch your head in disbelief as well as rolling around and laughing.

One of the most exciting Cornfield Carnival of Chaos

The opening scenes in an apparently innocent corn field "Sharks of the Corn" is the first to reveal its unusual nature. We meet Gary and Susan as two of the characters. They disappear into the background after the film has veered towards unexpected direction. The plot weaves together horror elements, with a myriad of subplots, creating a delightful cocktail that can only be described as being a cornfield celebration of chaos.

An Phobiacally ill-tempered Shark Enthusiast

In comes Teddy Bo Lucas, a persona that provides an additional element of chaos to the already bewildering storyline. A psychopathic shark expert has an uncanny obsession with these sharks that live in the ocean. Just as if the sight of sharks in fields weren't bizarre enough, Teddy is taking his fascination to the next level when He commits an eerie murder in his hotel room. The shocking twist set the stage for an enthralling whirlwind of intrigue and suspicion.

Affects confusion, Cults as well as Sharks

The plot thickens as the authorities blame Gary, a poor Gary to blame for Susan's killing, however, he is not the motive. The cult of sharks takes over as a distinct subplot. It introduces us the world of cornfields where admiration for sharks meet. Just when you think the world isn't getting any wilder then two inept burglars set out to steal a pup from this sect. This is an enthralling mix of humor and horror that will keep the audience on their toes.

Critiques and Comic Relief

While "Sharks of the Corn" is a truly unique and unorthodox adventure, it's not without some flaws. The film often switches between the various scenes and characters, leading some viewers to feel confused as they struggle to understand the multiple plotlines. It's a clever stylistic decision that contributes to the spoof nature of the film, however it's likely not everyone's cup.

The production values of the film are intentionally low and the acting is in the category of unreliable. In spite of the plethora that is filled with poor acting, Steve Guynn shines through with his impressive performance. He actually realizing his character instead of merely reciting words. It's a rare gem of true acting in a sea that is filled with overblown and sloppy performances.

Shark Puppets and Bonkers Plotlines

"Sharks of the Corn" shows its low-budget inclination with inexpensive effects that possess some charm. Most shark attacks have a hilarious re-creation using hand puppets. The effect adds an element of absurdity the film. A crazy plotline, centering around a shark's cult's strategy to revive a python goddess this is where the film really unleashes its imagination. This creativity, however, often isn't translated into an enjoyable movie experience.

Amateurish Cinematography, Explosions Optional

A major area in which "Sharks of the Corn" can be criticized is its cinematography. The cinematography and frame work come looking amateurish. They lack quality and refinement that's typically seen in more mainstream horror movies. Although it could be a deliberate choice in keeping the look of low-budget films this does affect the experience overall. experience.

The conclusion is that "Sharks of the Corn" is an acquired gastronomic experience. It's a boring and dull sequence of events that can be difficult to understand of. The film's low production costs confusion in plotlines and the questionable performances could put off individuals seeking a more polished horror-comedy experience. While there are plenty of entertaining films that aren't worth the time "Sharks of the Corn" fails to provide comedy that is expected.

Final Rating: One "Stock Footage Overlay" Out of Five

The video isn't of high-quality, and the recording, acting and editing "Sharks of the Corn" fails to hit the threshold. However, despite the possibility of a entertaining spoof of a film, it fails to provide a coherent and enjoyable overall experience. For me, as the film's reviewer close with a humorous observation: movies, similar to corn are best with (blog post) explosions. However, "Sharks of the Corn" fails to make the grade.

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